Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River✝️✝️✝️

At that time, Jesus came from the Galilee region to the Jordan River to John to be baptized.
But John tried to prevent Jesus: “Did you baptize me when I should have been baptized with your hand?
You’re coming?” Jesus answered him and said, “Leave it at this time.” “For you have fulfilled all righteousness.
“This is what we need to bring.” Thereupon John left Him to His will✝️✝️✝️

As soon as Jesus was baptized, he came out of the water. At that moment the heavens opened. The Spirit of God is like a dove
He saw it land on him. A voice was heard from the heavens:
“This is my beloved Son.
“I am pleased with Him.”13-17 (Markos 1:9-11; Luka 3:21,22)✝️✝️✝️


“Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River✝️✝️✝️” için 3 cevap

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